A couple of months after moving to Colorado, it started to really hit me how much I missed my friends and wonderful colleagues in Arkansas. Over time, I started thinking of ways to reach out to people, stay connected (this blog being one of the results of that thinking). The first time I tried connecting "on-line", it was through an invitation my friend Stacie, who moved to D.C. the same week I moved out here, sent me for "Good Reads". Considering my love of reading, that's been great fun. I've made "friends" on the site (and have rejected quite a few that I suspected were not interested in the books I've read) and even found out about a few author readings in the area. That positive experience led to deciding to write this blog and also to my joining Classmates.com. I thought it would be fun to see who from my high school had posted information and see if any were in the Colorado area and, yes, I admit, I wanted to see if there was any information posted by my "first love", who was/is 4 years older than me and already playing football at the University of Houston when we started dating my junior year. Yes, he was listed, unfortunately (or fortunately) no information about him. Oh well, it would be fun to try to look up old friends.
So . . . I answered the silly questions that they ask you to answer and posted a picture, which took some time, so I decided to wait for another day to see which, if any, of my high school buddies had posted info/pics.
However . . . within a day or two I received an email that someone had "signed my Guestbook" and left me a message. When I went to see who it was, I recognized the name but could not, for the life of me, picture this person in my mind. Here is a "redacted" version of his email to me:
O.K. what can I say. This Is my last letter on this site. I apparantly found what I was seeking so now I must continue my journey else where. How befitting,since the only moment I really had back in Exeter, I mean XXXXX, ( they are or WERE somewhat similar) was with you (seriously , that was the closest I came to reaching out and stealing a kiss from a girl, and THAT WASN"T VERY DAMN CLOSE WAS IT?!)when I handed you your cap during the air guitar show, but you did have tempting eyes. Well, I went there to go here. You were an absoulte knockout then and you have only gotten more fanatically beutiful. Phenominal. Why? I dunno. Uhh, I know I went to a school full of supermodels. My Lorrrd was I nervous (scared to death, more like it) but I can tell you this, I did the Ridgemont High thing to every girl in that school but two (one I was-am(?) in love with-the other was you--way beyond MY imagination. What can I say, every guy in that school was the same way (puberty ruled). Well, I must say, it has been a real kicker you just happening along when you did. I don't know how you feel about yourself but just from what I saw of you in high school you seem like a winner and I hope your doing o.k. I don't know if you like distractions from your day but if you ever need to be distracted or if you need a really weird answer to any of life's questions you be sure and email me (I will do my best to put you to bed with a smile) at XXXXXXXXXX When I get my website back on space (if you live you learn.com), if I have your address I'll let you know. Right now I simply have too many projects to properly maintain it. Oh, yea, if you wondering what "ridgemont high" meant, rent the movie, and watch it with your daughters if you have such and they aren't grown. When you get to me just explain to them (for their own good) all men are like that--get used to it. Well, God bless and take care.
So . . . hmmm . . . didn't quite know what to think about a message like that from someone whose face I cannot picture in my mind. The yearbooks are packed away somewhere in my storage unit. And, being the guilt-laden creature I am, I was more concerned that I didn't remember this person and didn't remember an "air guitar show" and feeling bad that I was apparently so self-involved in high school that I didn't know this person had a crush on me. Looking back, I think I should have been more worried about the intimate nature of an email from someone I knew 20+ years ago. I didn't want to "start" something, so I just didn't reply to the email.
A couple of more emails appeared over the next few days that were fairly innocuous. Then this one:
HELLO. I meant to ask you when I visited your site last time, uh, oh, what was that question? Ohh no!, guess I've just been caught wanting to look at your site (your picture?) again. Myyy Lorrrd! I apoligize but ya gotta love this internet stuff! I mean, you know and I know I'll never get to hang with you, and youv'e heard the saying about how much sweeter a great wine gets!. Oh, gee, what can I say? Hopefully no harm done and hopefully someone got a little bit of cockiness. I mean, daaammmnnn! MMMyyy Lorrrd! Ya big tease! Don'tcha know any loser can get on here and stare at ya?
Okay . . . so now I'm beginning to get a little annoyed. I haven't replied to any of his emails. Wouldn't that suggest that I'm not interested? Why is he continuing to write to me?
Then, a few days ago, I woke up one morning and had a message from Classmates.com that I had a new message waiting for me. This one frightens me. It read:
There were two young ladies who were waaaaay out of my league at one time. NO more. I know I grew up way too fast which meant when you were 18 you had your 18 year old groove goin'. That was a long time ago. Welcome to grownup hood where feelings are real. And skills have been attained because of simply growin' up. I can't imagine you, therefore I am without any fanfare gonna get you girl, in an extremly pleasureably sort of way. That is if you allow yourself such gratification. God bless and take care.
I immediately reported this message to Classmates.com and asked if they would please block him from sending any further messages to my "inbox". I removed my picture and any information that might identify my location, but I feel that cat has sort of been let out of the bag. I've not heard from him since, but I'm really quite nervous about this person. I hope he was simply drunk or on drugs and really regrets having sent such a threatening email.
Luckily, I work with a local police chief on a regular basis. He's picking me up for a meeting tomorrow and I think I'll mention it to him. Maybe he'll have some good advice. If any of you reading this have some words of wisdom about this, I welcome them. . . . Just don't send me any scary messages!!!