This was the scene driving towards Steamboat Springs this past Tuesday. The mountains still take my breath away . . . and to see snow-capped mountains in July . . . . for me, there's just no better scene. I'll take mountains over the beach any day of the week. Bug and I spent Spring Break in Hawaii, which is . . . admittedly . . . beautiful . . . but I was so glad to see the mountains again after a week of "tropical paradise" . . . for me, there's no comparison. There is something very healing about mountains . . . being able to breathe in the fresh air. Anyway, Bug and I left Tuesday morning after dropping the Boxers off at the new PetsMart hotel by our house.
I had booked a condo at Trappeur's Crossing, which was close to downtown, had an outdoor swimming pool (not always easy to find in the mountains), tennis courts, and the ever important Disney Channel. After being at Sanborn for 2 weeks, Bug was ready for some TV time --- ugh -- but that meant I had precious reading time, so it was okay.
Our first night, we found a Mexican restaurant with an upstairs deck . . .
I intended to remember the name of the restaurant, but the margherita I had just wiped it right out of my head. I have an uncanny inability to hold my liquor in high country. One glass of wine or one margherita or other drink is my absolute limit . . . . I guess it is the altitude. Anyway . . . we had to sit quite a while after dinner and walk around downtown Steamboat before I felt comfortable getting behind the wheel.
Here is Bug, waiting for her cheese dip to arrive . . .
The horse sculpture, below, was my favorite piece of artwork in the town. The picture does not do it justice. And it was located in a plain little roundabout next to a strip shopping center . . . odd . . . but we were there a LOT . . . because . . . Ben & Jerry's ice cream store was there, as was the movie theater (saw Get Smart . . . just love Steve Carrell) and our favorite take-out place, The Drunken Onion. If you're ever in Steamboat, The Drunken Onion has THE best gourmet sandwiches, salads, and prepared foods for taking back to the condo. Truly wonderful food.
The town of Steamboat is so charming. We played miniature golf. Spent a morning at Strawberry Park Hot Springs . . . .had to go in the morning because . . . . as many people have said . . . clothing is optional after dark . . . and they're not the type of people you want to see without their clothing. But the hot springs were beautiful . . . and very HOT! Yow! The spring pools are graduated and, as we learned, the temperature gets a little cooler as you move further down the way, close to the river, which, by the way, was freezing cold. So odd to have them side by side, with such extreme differences in temperature. I bet Bug a dollar she wouldn't go into the river and go under water . . . . silly kid . . . she did it . . . for a stinkin' dollar! I only made it in the river as far as my shins.
The springs felt great to my shoulder which I injured in December right before the move and which I had never had examined until the Monday before we left for Steamboat. The orthopedic surgeon said the joint was terribly inflamed. I had re-injured it bathing Bug when her arms were broken. Anyway, my options were surgery (no thank you), a cortisone injection into the joint (had one before, thought I would DIE with the needle in me and couldn't move), or lots of Advil and Tylenol with the hope it would be better in a year or so (gee, thanks). I didn't know what to do . . . .I was tired of being in pain . . . . every time I rolled over in bed, the pain woke me up . . . it hurt to walk the dogs, exercise, pick up my purse, etc. . . . I told the surgeon I needed a few minutes to decide. When he left, I looked at my BlackBerry . . . my former fiance had emailed back about the new Hopkins medical show on TV (he was on faculty at Hopkins for 14 years . . . . had he still been there, I am POSITIVE he would be profiled on the show . . . phenomenal anesthesiologist, gorgeous, and still single) . . . . anyway, I quickly emailed him back and told him I was at the orthopod trying to decide what to do about my shoulder . . . .I hit the send key and in walked the orthopod . . . . "You're decision ma'am??" In fear, I said . . . Advil and Tylenol (apparently, physical therapy exacerbates this type of injury). So he's shaking his head and says "well, I wish I could do more to help you . . . . I'm pretty good with the injections and I can give you a numbing injection first before I go into the joint. And you'll have immediate relief." (pressure, pressure, pressure) Bug is sitting there wide-eyed, watching me. I'm having flash-backs to her last well-child visit when she had to get 3 immunizations and squalled like a baby, all the while I'm telling her needles are "not that big a deal". So, while she would never say it to me, I can tell she's thinking "what's the big deal, Mom?" Okay, now I need to set an example. . . . . . "Give me the injection and do it fast before I chicken out." (I feel my BlackBerry vibrating as the surgeon is cleaning the area. I'll check it after this is over.) This is horrible. Bug has flipped backwards in her seat after she saw the needle and has her head bent over gripping the chair. The male nurse is telling me "ma'am, it's extremely important that you do not move." The surgeon is saying "this is going to burn and you'll feel lots of pressure, but that should make it easier when I go in with needle to the joint." . . . . And I'm thinking . . . does vomiting count as moving . . . . how about passing out? I requested general anesthesia for the injection, but the orthopod was not amused. And OMG . . . . . it HURT!!!! But I didn't move except for the tears dripping down my face. Finally, it was over. My pain and tears quickly turned to being pissed off as I looked down and there were blood splatters all over my new Coach bag. The male nurse could tell I was not cool with this and helped me clean the bag. Never mind that it was dripping down my shoulder as well . . . . priorities. The irony of it all????? Remember the vibrating BlackBerry telling me an email message had come in???? Well, it was my former fiance, doctor extraordinaire, a man I trust implicitly despite our not being able to close the deal on the marriage . . . . and his message read (and I quote) "Definitely avoid the shot if at all possible! . . . . Remember the steroid injections can cause problems, too." (I could hear Alanis Morrisette singing in my head . . . . "it's a black fly in your chardonnay".) Well, *#*&%*, that's just perfect. The tears started anew. Oh well, . . .the good news is that I felt relief in my shoulder, was even able to play tennis after a couple of days. So far, no infection at the injection site. I don't even want to know what other complications could arise.
So . . . .that's why the hot springs felt so good to my shoulder. The hot swirling water helped relieve the soreness from the injection.
Another really fun thing we did is drive up to Steamboat Lake (only about 27 miles away, but it takes almost an hour to get there) and go horseback riding at Dutch Creek ranch. Here is Bug in front of the cabin where you check in and which also serves as the restaurant.

Another really fun thing we did is drive up to Steamboat Lake (only about 27 miles away, but it takes almost an hour to get there) and go horseback riding at Dutch Creek ranch. Here is Bug in front of the cabin where you check in and which also serves as the restaurant.
This is a view from the ride. You can see Steamboat Lake in the background. Riding through the Aspen trees was amazing. They make the greatest rustling sound with the wind blowing.
Bug is on BillBoard. I'm riding J.G.
My little wrangler taking a break . . . .
We rode up into the mountains. Saw lots of carvings by former elk herders who, apparently get bored and lonely in the mountains with only elk for company, so they carved elaborate drawings of women in the trees. Bug continues to ask questions about this . . . hmm . . . . We rode through lots of columbine, the state flower of Colorado . . .
After the 2 hour ride (which coming down the mountain . . . . a tad painful), we went back to the ranch for dinner. The best food we had in Steamboat . . . . New York strip, garlic mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables, and, for dessert, homemade apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Oh my gosh . . . .I had a hard time staying awake on the drive back to the 'boat (as the locals call it).
I was very sad to leave on Friday. I think we may have to go back next year and maybe stay for the 4th of July rodeo and festivities . . . . we'll see . . . .I'll have a hard time keeping Bug away from the annual Rapids game. After seeing the beauty of Steamboat (and getting to check out all the slopes in their "green" state), I'll have to schedule a weekend ski getaway up there next season. I'm told Rabbit Ears Pass is quite treacherous in the winter, but I'll figure something out. :):)
Here is the view as we were driving back. Still takes my breath away . . . . . . . . .
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