The Denver Post recently posted these pictures. The convention hasn't even started yet. I was supposed to have dinner with my friend that lives in a LoDo loft. She called and had been in grid lock for over 30 minutes with no hope of movement in sight, and her mother and baby in the car. She said people were abandoning buses like crazy. The protesters have blocked major arteries downtown and are resistant to police intervention. When the police on horseback were finally able to move one group, the protesters moved to another artery and cut it off. The police then arrived in riot gear . . .

This is where I work!!!! I've decided I'm not even going to try it tomorrow . . . . heading out to the med center to work instead. I was going to bike in, but I don't want to encounter protesters OR riot police. I'm just praying the protests are peaceful. On Friday, I received a call that 2 blocks away, on the 16th Street Mall, police were removing bricks that had been taped to the backs of garbage dumpsters . . . left by potential rioters. I'll be glad when Thursday is over.
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