Today, I got a call from my dear friend who is chief of staff for one of our U.S. senators. All the senators are staying at a hotel just a few blocks from my townhome, and he had some downtime. So we went for coffee, and he gave me 2 tickets for Barack Obama's acceptance speech Thursday night at Invesco Field. I feel so honored . . . there are thousands of people trying to get in . . . and he thought of Bug and me. The tickets themselves are so cool --- they're holograms, so when you move them, the information "changes". Now I just have to figure out how to get to Invesco and spend the day outside with a 10-year-old who will not understand the wait. But the opportunity for her to witness this part of our country's history . . . . well, it's a can't miss event. I'm so grateful to my friend. And I was able to visit with the senator he works for as well, who gave me a newspaper from my old home town . . . . it was so nice to read . . . didn't realize I had missed reading news from home until I had it in front of me.
Bug and I watched Hillary's speech tonight. I thought she knocked it out of the park . . . incredibly impressive, and I hope I have the opportunity to vote for her in the future.
Bug started soccer practice tonight with her new team. I was so proud of her ---- she walked into a group of girls who have been playing together for several years, and she just fit right in. And she played so well that the other parents were all talking about "the new girl . . . . she's really good." (They didn't know she was mine. ) One of her coaches has the highest coaching licensure there is and played pro and semi-pro women's soccer. The high school team she coaches has made All State in Colorado for the past 2 years. And she took a shine to Bug, which means she's A-okay in my book. :):)
And the park where Bug practices is so nice . . . I ended up jogging while she practiced and was amazed at how long I'm able to jog . . . . guess my blood has finally thickened up enough to give me the needed oxygen at this altitude. I was thrilled and plan to start jogging the 2 nights/week she practices. Between jogging, tennis, biking, and the workouts at the JCC, hopefully I won't totally suck on the slopes this season!
All in all, it was a very nice day.
1 comment:
OMG I am so Jealous.....
wowowow....doesn't matter if he wins or loses just to have a chance to be part of the crowd and feel the gosh Bug will remember this for the rest of her life!!!
How absolutely COOOOOOL!
Hope you blog all about it.
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